We build precise measurement systems - tailored to the needs and budget of the customer.
Measuring is our passion. We mainly specialize in the volume measuring systems.
We designate dimensions, volume, and shapes of moving or stationary objects, regardless of, they are big or small.
We use proprietary solutions, algorithms, and software. It allows us responding to every need.
Just check us out!
We give a 4-year warranty on our systems and provide as high accuracy as you need.
Our Team of professionals gained experience, among others, in projects for:
- the European Space Agency,
- the European Defense Agency,
- the Polish National Center for R&D.
We build not only systems measuring with very high accuracy but also very reliable. Just check us out!
There are no two identical needs, two identical work environments, and application areas.
It means that the requirements of individual customers may be similar, slightly different, or completely different.
Thus how can one solution satisfy them all? It is just impossible. A dedicated approach is needed, and we understand that.
We are the authors of our solutions, which gives us the freedom to modify and adapt them to even the most sophisticated needs.
We are for you 24/7/365. We understand that you have trusted us, and we will not disappoint you.
Although we make every effort to ensure that our solutions are extremely reliable, innovation always carries the risk that something cannot be predicted.
That is why we are always ready to support you and quick solve a problem.
Our team consists of people who are passionate about innovative remote sensing solutions.
Many of us teach at universities, sit in professional committees, and are the authors of the articles in prestigious journals.
It guarantees that our solutions are as best as possible according to the newest knowledge and technology.
Basic Solution is established. Its specialty is innovative measurement and remote sensing systems.
Initially, the company is mainly a subcontractor for bigger partners. It carries out research and development projects
as a part of contracts for the European Space Agency (ESA).
The company takes part in 6 projects for the European Space Agency (ESA):
- I3DS: “Integrated 3D Sensor suite” (ESA/H2020 – Grant Agreement n° 730118)
- TEcHNO: Test Environment for Hybrid Navigation (ESA Contract No. 4000120494/17/NL/Cbi)
- ATOMIC-WARTK–A: (ESA Contract No. 4000119662/17/NL/Cbi)
- HORION: (ESA Contract No. 4000112665/14/NL/Cbi)
- AT-AIS-PL Phase-A: (ESA Contract No. 4000116953/16/NL/CBi)
- GeoCardio: NAVISP-EL2-080 (ESA Contract No. 4000133254/20/NL/MP/mk)
The company signs a contract with Saint-Gobain for building a precise bulk volume measurement system for Leca Polska.
Since then, Basic Solution focuses on the development of the Laser Bulk Measurement (LBM) System.
The new concept of the LBM System takes part in a competition announced by the Polish National Center for Research
and Development (NCBR) under the Smart Growth Operational Program. NCBR experts decide that the solutions proposed by Basic Solution
are innovative on a global scale. Thus, they recommend the project for funding.
Basic Solution signs a contract with The National Center for Research and Development for the research and development project,
which goal is building a new version of the LBM system under the name: Universal Bulk Measurement System (UBMS).
The value of the project is appx. 1 000 000 EUR, of which co-financing from the European Union
is appx. 770 000 EUR. (Contract No: POIR.01.01.01-00-1122/20-00).
The co-owners of Basic Solution establish a new company: RS2 Europe.
She is responsible for the commercial development of the LBM system.
The activities of Basic Solution, on the other hand, continue to focus on research and development,
the aim of which is to constantly increase the innovativeness of the system,
its measurement capabilities and expand the area of application.
RS2 Europe sp. z o. o.
Mysliwska 125/36, 80-175 Gdansk
e-mail: rs2@rs2.eu
phone: +48 883 911 654